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365 Days of Transformation

Hi Friends!

    It's been a while...Happy New Year, everyone! To catch you all up on the last few months, my life lately has been a complex and utterly cram-packed time of work, work, work, and oh yeah, some more work, traveling, stressful decision making, volunteering, and most of all growing into the Lord's plan for my life, and stepping into His radical grace.

    Let me delve a bit more into this with you...I won’t pretend this is going to be short, so grab a cup of tea and a snack and settle in!

    You know how on New Year's, the whole world bombards social media with their absolute best moments of the past year, proudly displaying their award-like photos for all to view? This is the new normal in today's culture, to show off ourselves and give a thank you for all to see to those in our past year, putting forth our monotone dreams that will undeniably be left in the dust a week after the new year starts. It happens. This is our normal state of mind these days. Even though it probably sounds like I am totally bashing those kinds of posts, here is the thing, admittedly, I love seeing everyone's posts. I love getting to stick my nose in and see what has gone on in everyone's life this past year. I am one of those people who has made those posts, and there is really nothing wrong with doing so.

    However, for me, just this past year, God showed me in my life right now, that it was not the most important thing for me to be Instagram perfect but to be present fully, so you know what? I ditched the stress of finding the perfect photos and captions for my past year, knowing fully that the whole reason I would be doing it was in vain and that a few measly photos wouldn't be a true example of my walk with God in 2018. This was hard at first for me, I honestly did not want to give this up, which truly seems ridiculous now that I say it, but it is the truth. I often put too much value into social media, and I am sick of that. I can say that I, for once, enjoyed my holidays and travels a lot more these past few months without the pressure of having to capture and post photos 24/7 to validate them. Instead, I was able to be present, to be connected, and to lean closer to my dear family and friends who I had been missing out on.

    I have been asking God lately to tell me what I should write on here, to give me words to say what He has put on my heart and done in my life. 2018 was a year of utter challenge and growth for me. The Lord took my life, shook it like a piggy bank, rattling all my junk and struggles around until they fell out into the light and lovingly showed me how to rebuild and live in the Victory He has set out for me.

    I had to face a lot of my past and reach out into the light for some things I was going through. My life started to spin drastically out of my control that year; each part that I thought I knew and had under control was ripping me apart until I felt myself snap one day. But right then, when I was battling all the lies and telling myself I was alone and hopeless, God reached in and scooped me up, dropping me into this amazing and wonderful plan for me if I would only trust Him. I would say it was like, little by little, God put things in my path, but in reality, it was more like huge road signs directing me, or maybe my eyes were just finally open to what He had been nudging me to all along. 

    In February of that year, through a babysitting job, I was introduced to someone who was a leader at a new church in our area. This person… I don’t even know how to describe her; she is so incredible, such a legitimate life-giving person. She and her husband instantly welcomed me so authentically into their lives and small group. They walked in stride with me, pouring into my life to show me the hope and community God had for me and give me a lasting friendship. Their investment in my story and obedience to be disciples of God leaves an unending mark on my life. The Lord used this couple and countless others through this incredible church to break me, uphold me, grow me, and love me.

     By July of that year, you could already see a difference in my life. I was slowly being prepared for all that God had for me, even when I didn’t know it. I was baptized in September of 2018 surrounded by a new kind of family I never knew could exist, and was led into an amazing, life-changing, small group called Freedom (seriously, this Bible study is undeniably amazing, everyone should so do it). By the time the semester ended, I had fought a battle I did not think I would ever win, being lavished in the Lord’s victorious plan for me. As 2018 came to a close, I spent some time looking back on the year in awe of what the Lord had done in me in just a year. I am forever thankful for His grace and love for me and the people He has placed into my life (you know who you are, and I love you).

    Now, as I begin the trek into 2019, I have some big life decisions that need to be made, to move or not to move, which school to transfer to etc… things that scare me and stress me to pieces. But I am learning to ask God to lead my next steps, show me where I am needed, and help me stay accountable. My life is by no means perfect, not even ever close, but I no longer long for that. I choose to live in His victory and see what his plan is for me. I pray that each of you will unashamedly ask God what you need to do and be open to it, even if it comes like a hail storm in a desert (AKA super unexpectedly). Lean into the chaos, for His plan will prevail in the end, and we will all be better for it. So in conclusion, dear friends, we must be faithful in the waiting, freedom is coming for you, and the Lord is faithful and draws near to the brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18).

    I would love to know how I can be praying for you, and hear how God has worked in you this past year, or even share my story with you if you want, so comment below, or if you know me in real life, reach out to me, I would love to get to know you all a bit better!

    If you made it all the way to the end if this giant ramble, then congratulations and thanks for sticking with me:)

Bye for now!


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