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Showing posts from May, 2018

-Find Joy in the little things-

Hey Friends! Here is a random list of things that have made me happy this week. What made you happy?                                                              Happy things: Meeting two toddlers who were both named Emma on the same day (Yes, I did melt just a little bit 💗) Nude colored nail polish Children's songs Gum (Fun Emma Fact: I wholeheartedly love gum) Color coordinating clothes Long phone calls with friends Parks and Rec TV show Bubbles Watching a dad at work play with his baby daughter  Raincoats New friendships White Chocolate Peppermint Tea Laughing so hard, I cried Sweet coworkers  Gym days Cat socks My cat, a neighbor's cat, a friend's new cat...all the cats... I think you get the gist.  Trips to Goodwill My cousin Card games Visiting a new bookstore Starting this blog Adeline Grey The smell of warm baking pumpkin bread Red brick walls Finding the perfect gift for my mom Hugs, Em

-An unusual lesson-

So there I sat, in an old yet cozy diner, vinyl and to-go cups and all, watching the snow gracefully cascade from the big puffy clouds coating the world in an angelic white layer. Being the pathetic Floridian that I am, I was thrilled at the sight before me. Music pumped through the building, songs of long ago and the oh so recent years. As they often do, one song, in particular, decided to stick in my head. However, it was only a line or two. It was just enough to float through my head nonstop, which I was sure would faithfully nag me for the rest of the afternoon. A few days later, when I arrived back in my hometown, the song popped back up and I began to wonder about those few persistent words… As it turns out, I had heard that exact part of the song numerous times that one day and did not even realize it until now. Confession time… the song was, Let Me Love You by Justin Bieber. I know, I know, I can hear the groaning now, and I promise I am right there with you! But listen up, th


Why hello there friend!      I'd like to welcome you to my blog. I'll be posting sporadically, just whenever I feel the nudge to write and share some of my day's thoughts. This may mean you may get a full-length post, a list of happy things, recipes, or a random Emma Ramble. I hope you'll enjoy and follow along with me on this journey.      For those of you that don't know me let me i ntroduce myself a little bit...      My name is Emma Lou and I am a sock-loving, sign language obsessed, crazy cat lady. I find great joy in life's random, beautiful, and awkward moments and aspire to share those little treasures with all of you. Hugs, Em